Use AI to Launch AR Campaigns
Creating an

AR filter proposal

has never been easier.
All you need is a
simply type in your campaign goal
What you get:
  • Relevant AR filter ideas
  • Industry-specific references 
  • Applicable case studies
  • Technical feasibility check
  • Estimated delivery time
  • Approximate production cost
All of that in just one minute.
No technical skills required!
How It Works?
One prompt is worth more than a thousand searches.
Take full advantage of our smart AI-powered modules.
Confirm your time and cost estimates, order a free mockup, consult your idea and share your brief with us to match you with the best development partner out of 1,200+ AR professionals from our global creative network and make your idea a reality.
what’s in it for you?
Save time on brainstorming
Generate ideas and get relatable references by sharing what your goal is
Save energy on checking technical feasibility
Do it in one click, you don’t need no technical skills
Save research efforts
Back your proposal with stats and insights from case studies relevant to your campaign
Save yourself from sending more emails
Get production time and cost estimates right away to make your campaign proposal complete
Save your project from untested partners
Let us match you with a credible development partner from our creative network
All in one place.
Plan with limited search capabilities.
  • AR Brainstormer (AI) 10 credits
    • Creative Mode
      • Idea generator
      • References & Case Studies
    • Production Mode
      • Feasibility Validation
      • Production Time & Cost 
  • Search by:
    • Platform
    • Industry
    • Solution
    • 500+ tags
Go to AR Brainstormer
Go to Search
per month billed monthly
per month billed annualy
Perfect for agencies and brands regularly working on AR projects.
  • AR Brainstormer (AI) UNLIMITED
    • Creative Mode
      • Idea generator
      • References & Case Studies
    • Production Mode
      • Feasibility Validation
      • Production Time & Cost 
  • Search by:
    • Platform
    • Industry
    • Solution
    • 500+ tags
  • Create and share Moodboards
7-day access
Perfect for agencies or brands doing research for one specific project.
  • AR Brainstormer (AI) UNLIMITED
    • Creative Mode
      • Idea generator
      • References & Case Studies
    • Production Mode
      • Feasibility Validation
      • Production Time & Cost 
  • Search by:
    • Platform
    • Industry
    • Solution
    • 500+ tags
  • Create and share Moodboards
If you prefer to make a purchase based on an invoice, and without using your credit card –
contact us.
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Need Further Assistance?
Once you’re done with the ideation process, know the cost and time needed for the project, the next step is to find the right person for the job! Send us your brief to match your project with the best-fitting creator or creative studio, or go straight to our Creators Marketplace to post a job offer or search for yourself.
If you need help deciding on the best project idea, match your goals and creative brief with the right AR filter format or you want to take full advantage of including AR in your marketing campaign and maximize your results – we’re ready to assist you every step of the way.
Contact Us
General inquiry
Free trial request
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I have an idea, what next?
I have a question about AR Brainstormer
I have a question about AR Search Engine
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XR Bazaar Creator discount request
Looking for a development partner